Maintaining a gluten-free food diet is oftentimes more expensive than its gluten containing counterparts, but did you know you might be eligible for a tax deduction to help make up the difference?

People diagnosed with celiac disease may be able to receive tax deductions for expenses associated with gluten-free foods and products. However, there are a few catches to obtaining them. Here are a few tips to help you through all the procedures and paperwork:

Step 1: Get A Prescription from your Doctor

You Need an Official Diagnosis to be eligible. Many people are eating gluten-free for a variety of reasons, but only those with an official diagnosis with a gluten-related disorder will be eligible for a tax deduction. You’ll need a prescription from your doctor for a gluten-free diet as your treatment option as well.

Step 2: Save Your Receipts

Keep receipts of all gluten-free purchases from grocery stores, bakeries and anywhere else you buy gluten-free items.

Step 3: Break Out the Calculator

List the prices of gluten-free foods compared to those of regular foods. The difference between those prices is tax-deductible. For example, if a pound of wheat flour costs $0.89 and a pound of rice flour costs $3.25, then you may deduct $2.36 for each pound of rice flour purchased.   While this may sound daunting, if you purchase the same items frequently, you may find it useful to use a spreadsheet to compute the deduction.

Products like xanthan gum and sorghum flour are completely tax-deductible as they have no “regular” counterpart but are purchased to meet your dietary needs. Shipping costs for online purchases are also permissible deductions.

Step 4: File Your Claim

For years beginning after December 31, 2012, you may deduct only the amount of your total medical expenses that exceed 10% of your Adjusted Gross Income. The cost of the gluten free food is added to amounts you pay for other medical related expenses (i.e copays, prescription medication, glasses, and contact lenses) and must exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income in order to impact your tax liability.