Monthly Archives: January 2017

Substantiating Your Charitable Contributions

We want to  remind you of the requirement to substantiate all of your charitable contributions. If the contribution is $250 or more, you'll need a written receipt from the charity. If you donate property valued at more than $500, additional requirements apply. Here are the details. General rules. For a contribution of cash, check, [...]

Substantiating Your Charitable Contributions2019-06-22T21:49:28+00:00

Medical Expense Deduction for Special Education Costs

Expenses that you incur in order to enable your child to compensate for or overcome disabilities or to prepare your child for future normal education or normal living are deductible medical expenses. Thus, any expenses for therapy that helps your child's adaptation are deductible medical expenses. In addition, the expenses of your child's schooling [...]

Medical Expense Deduction for Special Education Costs2017-04-11T02:37:45+00:00

Is Your Worker an Independent Contractor or Employee?

The question of whether a worker is an independent contractor or employee for federal income and employment tax purposes is a complex one. It is intensely factual, and the stakes can be very high. If a worker is an employee, the company must withhold federal income and payroll taxes, pay the employer's share of [...]

Is Your Worker an Independent Contractor or Employee?2019-06-22T21:49:28+00:00
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